Hey all,
Have been implementing GFS clustered multipath file systems at work and consequently had to rebuild RPMs for CentOS4 using the 32.0.1 kernels. Consequently I’ve released GFS SRPM and RPM sets over here. I’ve also migrated the old GFS RPMs (6.0 series) to the obsolete directory structure and created a yum2 archive for people to add to their repo lists.
Modifications from the original RPMs are:
- Modified target kernel from 32.EL to 32.0.1.EL since this is the current kernel for CoS4.3
- Modified some minor dependency requirements which appear to have been lacking from upstream (aka Redhat)
Interestingly this release now includes system-config-cluster (aka the Redhat cluster config tool albeit retooled to avoid TM infringement) which in previous releases wasn’t publicly released by RH. Thanks RH, much appreciated. 🙂