New PHP 4.3.8 RPMS

Hey all,

PHP 4.3.8 RPMS have been released for the following distributions:

Redhat 7.3
Redhat 9
Fedora Core 1
Fedora Core 2
Redhat Enterprise 3

I also upgraded the 7.3 libxml and libxslt RPMs to complete the new PHP rebuild. Finally I built MySQL, Sablotron, Mhash, JS and Libmcrypt for FC1. All this is YUMable by specifying$releasever as an additional repository location.

Just a final word. For those businesses that use these RPMs to offer an improved service to their clients I’d appreciate a Donation (see the button on the left). I happily provide these RPMs free of charge (like ART) but by the same token I don’t appreciate people taking me for a free ride.

I’m still on what would generally be classed as a “minimum wage”. 🙂 Help if you can…
